THe quest
a 4-Month program that brings together the power of Brain Science, Subconscious Reprogramming, MINDSET Work, Integrative Hypnosis + Spiritual Mentoring!
THE QUEST is 4-month, 1-to-1 personalized program.
It combines the magic of Spiritual Mentoring, with the mojo of evidence-based Brain Science, Subconscious Reprogramming, Mindset Work and Integrative Hypnosis to produce real-deal tangible results! 🙌
It’s a one-of-a-kind experience that incorporates the spiritual and the science, the sacred and the subconscious, the seen and the unseen.
I want you to imagine for a moment, what becomes possible when ancient wisdom - partners with - practical neuroscience.
What kind of magic could happen when you and your nervous system feel more safe, self-regulated and resourceful?! 🪄
I’m talking about universal spiritual principles and powerful practices that help deepen self-knowledge…
Paired like a champ, with pattern interrupts, anxiety-stoppers, mindset work, and research-backed protocols that train your brain! 💪🏼 🧠
This is transformation that happens on multiple gosh-dang levels!
This is creative change work that senses the body, soothes the soul and shifts the mind!
These are smarty-pants techniques 🧠👖, somatic tools 🪛🧰 and spiritual teachings ✨⚡️ that you can use in all areas of your life - for the rest of your life!
So not only is what you learn in THE QUEST wicked effective and efficient for you, your creativity and your business…it’s also wicked fun!

ThE QUEST IS for you If You Want:
To change a story or habit that’s been holding you back or keeping you stuck
To learn effective, research-based strategies to stop anxiety and other patterns in their tracks
To release unconscious patterns and wire-in empowering new ones
To have some spiritual and practical tools to help you get the feck’ out of your own way
To learn how to calm and soothe your nervous system
To be able to trust yourself and feel resourceful
To connect more deeply with your Self, Source and Spirit
To feel inspired, creative, and excited about you, your work/business and what’s possible for you
To be more calm, capable and confident in just being you
To know how to shift your mind and change your perspective - so it actually works in your favor
To be more aligned in your life and congruent in your business
To show up more genuinely and authentically in your personal and professional relationships
To start using your voice, speaking up and talking true
To make choices from a place of Love, instead of fear
To unshame yourself and believe that you are enough
To transform Your Story to Your Glory!
In Many ways, This whole human experience is LIKE an ongoing problem.
There are 1,001 ways to suffer.
And suffering can be a GOOD teacher - until you DECIDE TO get a better one.
SO if you want to be done with
Ongoing anger about people in your life who have wronged you
Relationships that aren’t as deep, genuine or connected as you’d like
Consistently using booze, food, shopping, scrolling, (fill in the habit) to distract, procrastinate or numb yourself
Walking through your days feeling stuck in a victim loop of negativity, frustration or helplessness
Feeling like your “inner critic” should have its own feckin’ Talk Show for how much it chatters on in your head
Secretly feeling like the whole damn world including yourself, is out to get you
Feeling ready to “put up your dukes” at the drop of a hat -or- not knowing how to put those suckers down
Your traumas and dramas are always running the show, and even you’re sick of your crap
Feeling alone, on your own and thinking you have to figure out and do everything yourself
Lugging around a shit-ton of shame, blame and regret about your past choices and behaviors
Feeling disconnected from your Self, Source & Spirit
If you’re Ready to make SOME Big changes…
THIS 4-month program is a UNIQUE adventure!
A Course In Miracles reminds us: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
So often the biggest blocks and barriers that we've built against our own experience of love, inner peace, and happiness in both our personal lives and business, comes from refusing to slow down, taking a good look within and around ourselves, and owning both our brilliance and our bullshit! 😆
We sometimes think that we’re flawed, fucked-up, need to be “fixed” or are unforgivable because of our past stories, traumas, circumstances and patterns.
But to me, it’s precisely all of these things, that amazing kaleidoscope mixture of - both your humanity and your Divinity - that makes up the magic of YOU!

IF THIS ALL Sounds amazing, but You’re Still Not sure
if thE QUEST is the RIGHT NEXT step for you…
Book a call with ME - by contacting ME here.
What does TRANSFORMATION look like in the quest?
Here’s ONE Client’s storY…
"The Quest was incredibly empowering for me;
it was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.”
From an early age, I felt that I was “never enough.” I spent a great deal of time and energy trying to mold myself to what other people felt I should do in and with my life. My sense of self came from listening to those outside of me.
I struggled with alcoholism, depression and anxiety. I had gone to therapists for years and rehashed my past. I became sober, but I still felt rudderless.
I joined KK’s membership: The Nest in January 2022 and felt like I had come home. I am still a member; the monthly topics are all things I can relate to, especially things like playing the victim. I appreciate Karen’s authenticity and gentle, yet firm guidance in the monthly zoom meetings. I have had numerous ah-ha moments while listening to her conversations and reading feedback with fellow members of The Nest.
When The Quest became available, I was intrigued and determined to work with Karen 1:1. I trusted her to guide me through some dense and uncomfortable feelings since I wanted to live from MY authentic self. I learned that my conditioned mind was holding me hostage with negativity and that my true nature is loving kindness.
I learned that I don’t need to be “fixed.”
Karen taught me numerous practices and tools to interrupt negative thought patterns and to choose love. The hypnosis audios she created were invaluable. I listened to them at night as I fell asleep and in the morning before getting out of bed.
In traditional therapy, I tended to rehash the past; with Karen, I focused on the present moment and moving forward.
The Quest also dovetailed beautifully with AA and the twelve steps, and I so appreciate Karen’s knowledge of A Course in Miracles.
One of the most powerful things I learned in The Quest is that I can choose to live from love rather than fear. Additionally, I am human and will always make mistakes. But I can laugh and smile at myself now rather than to live with shame.
Every day, I do a bit more to change from my old “story” of myself to the glory of me, a woman of absolute loving kindness. As a result of my work with Karen, I am kinder to myself as well as everyone I meet every day!
My inner voice is much less critical, I take better care of myself and my ability to listen inwardly to my intuition, God and my Spiritual Team is incredibly powerful. The first thought in my mind every morning is my relationship with God, my source, and the last thought at night is of God, my source.
After The Quest, I am eminently conscious of the power of choice we have every day and I now have a toolbox of strategies to break the negative internal loops I was so familiar with. I have reawakened my power of choice, love and curiosity.
My gratitude for Karen is immense. She worked hard on my behalf; during my sessions and I felt nothing but generous support. I have never felt support like that from anyone before. Her energy, honesty, knowledge, love of life and passion for her clients is incredible. My life and relationship with myself is so different and I feel way more peace in my daily life than shame and angst.
Here’s the thing:
I’ve worked with people, maybe just like you, who’ve been through some wicked hard shit.
People who somehow got sucker-punched, brought to their knees or knocked on their ass by life.
I’ve been able to help them.
I believe I can help you too.
And you can learn how to keep on helping yourself!
My approach to this work is a down-to-earth approach to Spirituality combined with practical Neuroscience.
In The Quest, we’ll work together using powerful processes, practices and pattern interrupts to help you change your brain, create new neural networks and cut the crap already!
This is a proven and practical way to change old habits, transform your story to your glory, and move through the world with more fun, flow and freedom!
KK – Outside Merlin's Cave - Cornwall, England
My spiritual journey started when I was 12…
Right after my mother was killed and I was trying to figure out how to navigate this whole big, scary, confusing human experience on my own. I felt lost, angry and overwhelmed.
Still, I followed my curiosity, read a ton of books, tried new things, got knocked on my ass, got back up again, learned to
ask for help and did my best to find the courage to trust myself, listen to my Inner Teacher and to answer the call of my heart.
KK - At the Sphinx & Great Pyramids of Giza – Cairo, Egypt
My need to know myself and understand other people, plus my intention to grow, change and heal, paired with a deep desire to help others (both humans and animals)…
All led me to incredible teachers, took me on spiritual adventures with brilliant mentors and introduced me to the kinds of inspirational people, places, practices, and universal principles, I could only imagine as a kid. The Divine had an even greater plan and dream for me than I could have ever planned or dreamed for myself.
Marianne Williamson & KK - On the Nile in Egypt
In my 20’s, I went on several spiritual pilgrimages with thought leader and author Marianne Williamson to sacred sites, ancient temples and power places throughout Egypt, England and Ireland. Historical wonders like, the Great Pyramids and Sphinx of Giza, Luxor Temple, Stonehenge, Glastonbury Tor, The Chalice Well, The Hill of Tara and the legendary Merlin’s Cave located underneath Tintagel Castle!
I’ve met, learned from and have studied and worked with some of the brightest spiritual leaders, incredible storytellers, brilliant communicators, genius hypnotists, best-selling writers, and successful entrepreneurs, who also happen to be status-quo shakers, thought system breakers and bona-fide world changers.
Each of these people and places have left their own unique mark on me that continues to influence, inform and inspire me as a teacher, leader, mentor, speaker and lifelong student.
KK & Oprah
I’ve spent the last 40 years gathering tools, wisdom, and practices, along with earning certifications as a Spiritual Mentor, Life Coach, Integrative Hypnotist, Yoga Teacher, Thai Yoga Massage Teacher, Reiki Master, Gateless Writing Instructor, and more. I’ve also been an entrepreneur and small business owner for over 20+ years.
I’m now bringing together all of these fantastic modalities, plus seasoned decades of my own personal and professional experience, in one place and opportunity, to bring you the magic of THE QUEST!
ThIS isn’t your ORDINARY coaching or mentorship program.
The Quest is DESIGNED to create ONGOING lasting change
tapping into evidence-based BRAIN science, Mindset Work,
Subconscious Reprogramming and Integrative Hypnosis!
Here’s Another Client’s storY…
"If you’re considering joining The Quest with Karen, all I can say is
the longer you wait, the longer you’re prolonging your own suffering!”
As a client of Karen Kenney’s program, The Quest - I have experienced profound and tangible improvements as a result of our work together.
Having been a member of her spiritual mentorship group, The Nest since its inception and being familiar with her group format I suspected the 1:1 work would be beneficial, however my expectations were exceeded in the most surprising of ways.
The Quest is like taking a journey of self-exploration with a best friend as your guide who also happens to be an expert on reframing the negative narrative and provides an abundance of resources and personalized support.
KK has an innate ability to get to the heart of an issue with amazing precision, combined with a genuine interest in turning a perceived helpless situation into an empowered and positive conclusion.
I was drawn to working 1:1 with KK for a specific phobia, curiosity about negative thought loops, and also a desire to deepen and supplement my spiritual practices.
I was motivated to finally take action when I realized that what I was trying on my own was not yielding the desired results, and I was very intrigued about the Integrative Hypnosis aspect of the program.
As a result of working with KK in The Quest, some of the appreciable results I have experienced are freedom from compulsive behaviors, a better understanding of the root cause of undesirable patterns, as well as an ability to challenge beliefs and assumptions with an awareness to consciously choose the reframing of thoughts.
With KK’s guidance and encouragement, I learned things about my childhood that were so enlightening and truly changed my perspective on what I had previously assumed. Working in The Quest put emphasis on and strengthened my daily spiritual practice, and through positive reinforcement of new beliefs, I’ve developed a better sense of self-reliance and confidence.
Working in The Quest has changed my life and relationships for the better in a multitude of ways! My relationships have benefited since I’m less judgmental of myself, and in turn, less judgmental of others and I’m learning to be more curious and empathetic. Plus, I’ve developed an authentic desire to connect, and advocate for myself in a less defensive way.
For myself, seeing the real-time benefits of hypnosis and utilizing pattern interrupts has enabled me to better recognize when my nervous system needs attention! I also make more time for my spiritual practices than I ever have before which has had endless benefits (spiritual, emotional, physical).
My constant fight or flight mode has been minimized and my body has taken a big sigh of relief! Being able to have a frame of reference and new knowledge of physiological responses relieves the old burden of blaming myself for being stuck. Now I use my pattern interrupts that KK taught me and I experience more calmness, confidence, and joy. I feel like I’m truly a friend to myself now.
Some of my favorite take-aways from working with Karen in The Quest are the abundance of resources she shared; she sent me books, and curated links to videos and podcasts that she thought I’d find helpful! Plus, her ongoing desire to further her own learning, results in her own expert knowledge that she shares freely and with great enthusiasm!
I felt so supported and we had lots of communication, so I never felt rushed and always felt that I was a priority.
KK provided immediate practical and usable tools and guidance, and I had so many AH-HA moments each day in my time in The Quest (and continue to do so now!).
Karen is without question the most perceptive person I have ever met, and she uses that natural talent combined with her authentic desire to both empower and inspire.
She has the knowledge, tools, guidance and compassion to help you get out of your own way and on the path to transformation, and she does so with a relatable and comforting presence.
What’s more important than investing in your own happiness?
- Carly S.

IF THIS ALL Sounds amazing, but You’re Still Not sure
if thE QUEST is the RIGHT NEXT step for you…
Book a call with ME - by contacting ME here.
AND ONE MORE Client’s storY…
“I finally "get" what acceptance and surrender are and WHAT IT”S LIKE TO know that I've got my own back, that I am one with the Universe, that everything is going to be OK.
That I am OK. That I am, in fact, LOVE.” ❤️
I decided to work with Karen in The Quest because I knew I wanted to dive deeper into my spiritual path and I love KK's energy and authentic personality.
I was feeling a little empty, lacking, and at a loss as to why I wasn't feeling fulfilled in life. I felt so stagnant. It just felt like it was time to engage more.
I had been a member of her membership, THE NEST for over a year and listened to KK's podcast often - and while both are also fantastic, I knew a 1:1 mentorship would bring me that much closer to the understanding I was seeking. (Turns out "awareness" is a better word - which I learned during the QUEST!)
I am beyond thrilled to say I feel more at ease now, about my outlook on life, like I can handle whatever comes my way.
The meditations, resources, hypnosis, prayers, morning and bedtime routine that I began to practice during THE QUEST add such a quality to my life it's difficult to explain! Honestly, some days I can't wait to turn off the lights at the end of the day so I can do my bedtime ritual. My dreams are even better!
I finally "get" what acceptance and surrender are and knowing that I've got my own back, that I am one with the Universe, that everything is going to be OK. That I am OK. That I am, in fact, LOVE.
My relationship with my friends, my daughter, and other family members are better because I've found this LOVE in me. It's so cool. Now, I honor, love and accept myself and everything comes easier.
I would wholeheartedly recommend The Quest for anyone looking to expand their spiritual perspective, take on LOVE, and create a better life.
My favorite part of the QUEST was the hypnosis and recordings tailored to me and what my biggest challenges were (loving and accepting myself and getting a handle on my finances) - and also the sessions themselves - because talking to KK is so much FUN!!!!