You Are The Captain
It’s been said that in our lives, we are the captain of our own ships.
This of course doesn’t mean that we always get to decide what happens in the world around us. Thing is, we’re often not in control of a bunch of what goes on “out there”.
What we are in control of, is how we choose to respond to whatever the heck is happening. I call this being the captain of your “shift”.
Taking responsibility for who we’re going to be and how we’re going to be in relation to what life is bringing to our door.
We get to decide, am I going to respond from fear? Or, am I going to experience the miracle of shifting my mind to Love.
I’m going to take it a step further and say that we're not only the captain of our ships and our shift… but we’re also the captains of our SH*T. Ha! 😆
We’re the captains of the sh*t we leave behind us, the sh*t we pulled in relationships, the sh*t we say and the sh*t we think.
So it’s wicked important to be aware of how we’re showing up as the captain.
Are we operating a steady ship? You know the kind that moves steadfastly through the water and does what it's meant to do? Or is our ship leaving a trail of sh*t everywhere it goes? 🛳 💩
Today on The Karen Kenney Show, we’re talking about how we can give ourselves permission to not have to keep doing what it is we've been doing. We don't have to keep saying what we've been saying. We don't have to keep thinking what we’ve been thinking or believing what we’ve been believing.
We can steer toward a better destination and outcome.
And we absolutely don't have to stay stuck in the same generational patterns, that maybe our parents and their parents had previously.
We CAN have the self recognition that we’re the captain of our ship, and that we get to clean up any sh*t we’ve left behind and shift our direction, perspective and reactions any time we want.
KK's Takeaways:
• We Are The Captains Of Our Ship (5:02)
• We Can Change (10:26)
• Daily Spiritual Practices Give You Internal Stability (14:39)
• Doing The Work Is Not Easy (20:59)
• Tune Into Your Spiritual Team (24:16)
Karen Kenney is a certified Spiritual Mentor, writer, author, speaker, and the host of The Karen Kenney Show Podcast. She’s also the founder of THE NEST - an online spiritual membership & community.
She’s been a student & guide of A Course in Miracles for close to three decades, a certified yoga teacher for 20+ years and is a longtime practitioner of Passage Meditation. She’s also a Gateless Writing Instructor, workshop facilitator and transformational retreat leader.
KK grew up in Lawrence & Boston, MA, and graduated from Boston University with a degree in Communications. She’s known for her storytelling, her sense of humor and her “down-to-earth”, no BS approach to Spirituality.
She helps people to rewrite their old stories, shift their perception from fear to Love, and deepen their connection to Self, Source & Spirit. Using her signature process - Your Story to Your Glory™ - people learn how to transform themselves and their lives from the inside out, so they can feel empowered, play a proactive part in their own healing, and experience more fun, flow, and freedom!
A sought-after speaker, spiritual teacher, and thought leader for podcasts, shows, live events, group retreats and entrepreneurial mastermind programs, Karen has been invited to speak & teach on various platforms, stages & retreat centers across the country, including the renowned Omega Institute for Holistic Studies.
You can learn more and connect with Karen at:
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