Join me for a Day of Spiritual Mentoring
and let’s get down to the heart of the matter!
So maybe you’re feeling STRESSED OUT OR stuck or scared
AND YOU’RE sick of trying to figure it all out on your own.
And while you don’t know what the answer to your particular problem is just yet…
You certainly know what the answer ISN’T.
It’s not mindlessly scrolling through social media or staying wicked busy.
Because distracting yourself won’t make it go away.
It’s not numbing yourself out, burying your head in the sand, or buying a bunch of crap you don’t really need.
Because there’s not enough booze, drugs, sex, shopping, or “ignoring” that’s going to truly fix it, change you or make it go away.
It’s not just saying a bunch of “positive affirmations”, or rubbing essential oils on your body, or trying to “manifest” a million dollars or a mansion.
Because just saying the words, going through the “spiritual motions”, or trying to boss God/Universe around - isn’t going to cut it.
And it’s definitely not waiting around for somebody else to finally apologize, or change their behavior, or to go looking for answers “out there”.
Because this kind of transformational and spiritual work, is a bona-fide inside job.
You KNOW you need support to work OUT some OF YOUR stuff and to put an end to thE OLD BS -
But when you look around for helpful options,
all of the stuff out there feels like it’s just NOT…
quite what you need.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could...
Have access to a Spiritual Mentor who loves to listen with curiosity, asks the right questions and knows how to get down to the heartbeat of a thing.
Get just the right amount of support to help you find clarity, shift your perception, change that old pattern, and discover your next aligned action steps.
Walk away feeling seen, listened to, heard, and like you matter.
Well… I have some good news for you!
That’s exactly what we aim to do when you sign up for a Heart-To-Heart Day with me!
KAREN KENNEY is truthful, enthusiastic,
thoughtful, and funny as f*ck!
You can tell Karen is doing what she is meant to do because she is on fire! She has read, researched, learned, listened, and lived everything she teaches and she is a true guide who reaches out her hand to you, with generous patience and so much love.
KK is someone who finally spoke like me, who really got me and wanted what was best for me. Interacting with her feels so personal and supportive; it’s like a hug.
I didn’t feel like I had to pretend or produce answers that “made sense,” as had been the case with several therapists. Never judgmental or pretentious, she listened and provided me with the best guidance possible for each moment.
Her storytelling and anecdotal approach to big concepts is so far from the stereotype of “coaches”, in the best way possible. She manages to take big ideas and make them into little sayings that
stick in your mind.
This was an actual investment (compared to the money I’d thrown away on courses, books and fads) in “the me” that I craved to be.
From the first call with KK, my perspective started to shift in ways
that have been priceless.
— K.P
Karen is the real deal!
There is no one else I know that can bring such love and compassion to this work, while also cutting to the core of an issue with directness, humor, and truth bombs that are mic-drop-worthy!
Whenever I personally work with someone in a spiritual or healing capacity, there are a few non-negotiables I look for. One is their level of experience. I want to know this is someone who is seasoned in their craft and has a depth of knowledge & expertise in what they do.
I also want to know that this person is someone I can trust. Someone I feel safe enough to hold the kind of space required for me to do the deep work.
And I want to know that they embody what they teach, that they walk their talk, and aren't going to tell me anything they aren't actively practicing themselves. Karen Kenney is one of those teachers.
In just one session, she connected the dots to bring full-circle understanding and peace around a series of events in my life I've been trying for years to find my own answers to. I walked away from our conversation feeling lighter and more confident, knowing with total clarity the steps I needed to take to heal this situation.
— Meg H.
HERE’S How a Heart-to-Heart Day on Voxer workS!
Voxer is a communication App that allows us to exchange voice and text messages.
During your Heart-to-Heart Day, we’ll be in touch over Voxer to dive into
whatever the heck is keeping you “stuck in the suck”.
We choose a date for your Heart-to-Heart Day.
You don’t need to free up your whole calendar for this. I’m super aware that people’s lives are full and busy. So, a mentoring day on Voxer is very “real life” friendly.
You just want to make enough time between your activities to also be able to listen and reply to messages. It helps the process if you can slow down, pause, take a deep breath, and reflect before responding.
We get you set up on Voxer.
If you don’t have a Voxer account, you simply download the App (from the App Store on your phone or computer) and create one - it’s Free!
We’ll add each other as contacts on Voxer (don’t worry, it’s pretty easy), and you can even send me a message in advance to tell me a little more about what’s on your mind, in your heart, or what’s got your panties in a bunch. 😆
This way, we can dive right in when your Heart-to-Heart Day begins.
When your Heart-To-Heart Day comes, you’ll have VOICE access to me FOR EITHER 3 -or- 6 Hours (Whichever ONE you chose WHEN YOU SIGNED UP).
Don’t worry - this isn’t a non-stop, hours long, rapid-fire chat.
Neither one of us is expected to -or- supposed to be sitting by our phones waiting for replies.
The 3-6 Hours is simply the window of time during which we’ll be exchanging messages back-and-forth.
We’ll be talking and listening throughout the day at a steady, yet relaxed pace. There will still be room for you to take a shower, answer emails, grab a snack, feed the kiddos, take your dog for a walk, etc.
One of the best things about a Heart-to-Heart Day on Voxer is
that we have space in between our messages to think, feel, move, breathe, contemplate, or collect our thoughts -
without having to respond immediately on the spot.
That’s part of what makes this process so effective and magical!
We leave room for the smarty-pants parts of us to have a say -
we can get quiet and listen for the guidance of our Divine Intelligence, Inner Teacher, Intuition, Gut Instinct and our Spiritual Teams.
* It’s also okay if you’re not 100% sure right now what you want to talk about. Sometimes we just know that things are kinda’ off somehow, but we can’t really quite put our finger on it, right? This is exactly where I come in.
During your mentoring day, I’ll be digging deep, asking questions, and doing my best to keep us focused and on track, so we can get down to the heart of the matter.
Here’s what to do next: